Nominations for Treasurer of IGR
With Karl Ainscough-Gates standing down after three years of working for IGR, the position of Treasurer is now open for the remaining period of his term.
If you wish to stand for this post, please email trustees@igrugby.org with your self nomination.
This should include a statement of no more than 300 words in support of your nomination, and a letter from your IGR Club confirming support for you to stand a long with confirmation of your membership of the club. Your self nomination should also include confirmation that you meet the “fit and proper person” criteria to be a charity trustee, guidance for which, is available to read HERE.
Nominations will remain open till 9pm GMT on 31/07/23.
Should only one candidate be nominated, they will be deemed elected or should multiple candidates come forward, IGR member clubs will be immediately contacted with a voting form, and have two weeks to vote.
Karl, a long-time Spartan (and Newcastle Raven) and previously our Fixtures Secretary, was, prior to being the IGR’s Treasurer, Chair of International Gay Rugby. As one of the three founding clubs of IGR, it was great to have the Spartans represented on the IGR board as he forged the way forward in the pursuit of greater participation in Gay and Inclusive Rugby across the globe.
Read this 2022 World Rugby article about his tenure at the top and how the IGR navigated the disruption to the sport during the pandemic.